Sunday, May 09, 2010


I don't believe in God. But I DO believe that I have a soul. I believe in the human spirit. Does that make me a hypocrite? Confused? Delusional? I don't know.

I don't believe that humans are the only living creatures who have a soul. I don't believe that we are the only sentient beings on Earth. I don't believe that humans are the only species that feel love. The four doggies who currently inhabit my life and depend on me for food, water and affection give me as much love as humans have.

I also don't believe that redemption can be found within a certain building, or faith, or creed. I believe that we make our own redemption.

I don't question anyone else's faith, or begrudge them their right to believe what they believe. We each have to come to our own conclusions about faith and God and such. I just don't want any one else to try to force their belief on ME.

That's what I believe.


Steven64 said...

I don't believe in God either. (When I'm feeling petty or defensive, I even have trouble using a capital "M". But out of respect, I try to...most of the time.) That is to say, I don't believe in a sentient, all-powerful, all-knowing being who has control over everything, all the time. And I don't find it particularly comforting to believe that an omniscient, benevolent being would purposely create a world like this.

But I do think there's more to existence than the sum of our parts. I do think there's something inside all us human beings that makes each of us unique. I bet if some think tank somewhere had enough money and time, they could manufacture a perfect replica of the human body. Then they could power it up and make its heart beat. But they couldn't get it to spontaneously develop its own, unique personality. I think that comes from some indefinable spark that is 'life'. Maybe that's the soul. I define my belief system as spiritual. If I believe in karma and kismet. I believe the universe is full of checks and balances. I don't do the right thing so I won't be punished, I do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

I'm honest most of the time. I lie sometimes when I think I have a good reason to lie. I'm kind most of the time, but I'm mean when it serves me. And I think karma and kismet will kick my ass when I get out of line. My beliefs are my own and I don't expect anyone else to subscribe to them unless they come to it on their own. And may a lightning bolt strike down anyone who tries to force their dog(ma)shit down my throat. So there.

Kate said...

Steven, I agree with you about karma. Although it sometimes seems to me that good people suffer out of proportion to whatever "bad" or "evil" they do in their lives. Who knows - it's all so immense and confusing.

Steven64 said...

Yeah, karma's a little...fickle. I think my biggest problem with God started when the concept of God was explained to me. I just couldn't wrap my brain around this all powerful, loving being that would set mankind on a path to destruction FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. It seems like a being as wise and powerful as God would've come up with a plan that involved less needless pain and suffering. And I say needless because of what you said: good people getting their asses kicked for doing minor bad shit.

Kate said...

I spent 12 years in Catholic schools, and while I'm glad I did (I got a great education), I'm not sure the indoctrination ever really took. I know I was still in grade school when I finally decided that "God" wasn't going to send me to "Hell" if I didn't go to church on Sunday. I think I'm missing the gene that allows one to believe in dogma. I also try to do the right thing because it IS the right thing, not out of fear of recrimination. I'm not always successful, but then, none of us are perfect.